National Societies

EAS has close links with national atherosclerosis societies, as we share many mutual interests and common goals. We coordinate an annual meeting of the Presidents of national societies, to facilitate collaborative approaches to the scientific, social and political challenges that many organisations face. While EAS has traditionally been a Society for individuals members, we can now offer EAS Membership for National Societies. We have ongoing initiatives to create international networks of centres of excellence, acting as referral centres.

EAS strongly believes that working together with National Atherosclerosis Societies and Sister Societies in related disease areas, each contributing their specialised expertise and knowledge to the collaboration, will help achieving more together than either can do alone. The success in growing stronger and providing a more advanced, accessible, and tailored scientific education, will be highly dependent on our ability to grow together. EAS’s present and planned future collaborations with National Societies.

The member of the EAS Executive Committee with responsibility for coordinating the Society’s activities and collaborations with National Societies is Prof Alberto Zambon.

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