Elections update for Executive Committee

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With less than a week remaining, we are excited to share the current election statistics with you. These statistics show the percentage of eligible members who have already voted from each country. So far, 47 countries have participated in the elections:

The election period runs from June 1st to June 30th, and we urge all individual members to take advantage of this opportunity to influence the future of our Society.

Please visit the Online Voting webpage for comprehensive details about the elections, including how to participate and the voting process.

Please note! Effective January 2024, we are updating our membership application process to meet the dynamic demands of our global environment. To uphold the integrity of the EAS community and align with rigorous scientific standards, all new and existing individual members must submit two documents (cv, publication, employment/student document, letter of recommendation, congress abstract) verifying their eligibility as per our constitution.

Read more and verify your membership here.