EAS Newsletter September 20, 2023

EAS Governance:

The 2024 Anitschkow Prize – call for nominations is now open

It’s that time again! The nominations for the 2024 Anitschkow Prize are now open, and you’re invited to take part.

From September 15 to October 16, 2023, you have the chance to nominate exceptional scientists who have made significant contributions to the study of atherosclerosis and associated metabolic disturbances.

???? The Anitschkow Prize, the highest distinction awarded by the EAS, includes the prestigious Anitschkow Medal and a prize of €10,000. The person receiving the award will also be a featured speaker. They will deliver the Anitschkow Lecture during the opening ceremony of the EAS Congress. Furthermore, they will be asked to write a review. This review will be for the Society Journal, Atherosclerosis.

For detailed information on the Prize, its criteria, and the nomination process, please follow the link provided below.

Nominations for 2024 Anitschkow Prize

EAS Education:

Just a few days left to the FH Week 2023. Be one of the participants in our joint webinars

The clock is ticking, and we’re eagerly preparing for a FH Webinar series! With less than one week remaining, here’s your invitation to join us in managing FH together.

There has never been such an initiative! From September 25-29, you’ll have the chance to take part in dynamic 30-minute sessions bursting with valuable insights, featuring both clinicians and patients.

Your presence isn’t just appreciated; it’s absolutely crucial! All your questions will be answered. Use the chat to write the question or raise your hand to ask the question, live, during the discussion!

Help us reach as many people as possible – spread the word! If you haven’t registered yet, don’t hesitate to do so.

Genetics in HeFH and HoFH: the latest insights

Screening: experience from cascade screening, universal screening and latest insights on screening on the EU level

Importance of Measuring Lp(a) in patients with HeFH & HoFH

Access to Treatment for HeFH and HoFH

Challenges for Children with FH

EAS Collaborations:

The XXIV Ukrainian National Congress of Cardiology, September 20

The XXIV Ukrainian National Congress of Cardiology will provide a unique opportunity to exchange views on the most recent developments in cardiology with both foreign and domestic experts, and to explore ways to incorporate the most recent developments in global science into the clinical practice of Ukrainian medical practitioners.

A joint online session of the EAS, IAS, Ukrainian Atherosclerosis Society (UAS), and ILEP will be held within the framework between 10:10-11:50, September 20.

Moderators: Prof. O.I. Mitchenko, Prof. Maciej Banach (Lodz, Poland)

1. Greetings and report of the President of the European Atherosclerosis Society
Prof. Kausik Ray (London, UK)
“Where are we with LIPIDS in Europe”, 20 min.

2. Welcome and report of the President of the International Atherosclerosis Society
Prof. Peter Libby (Boston, USA)
“Modern approach to dyslipidemia”, 20 min.

3. Greetings and report of the President of the ILEP (International Lipid Expert Panel) 
Prof. Maciej Banach (Lodz, Poland)

“Upfront lipid lowering combination therapy – the gold standard of dyslipidaemia treatment in 2023”, 20 min.

4. Verification and treatment of familial and secondary hypercholesterolaemia
Prof. O.I. Mitchenko, K.O. Timokhova (Kyiv), 15 min.

5. Surgical restoration of left ventricular contractility
in patients with coronary heart disease
S.A. Rudenko, MD, PhD, Academician A.V. Rudenko (Kyiv), 15 min.

Discussion and Q&A – 10 minutes

Go to the XXIV Ukrainian National Congress of Cardiology website

EAS Collaborations:

Joint session EAS-SAL at XX Annual Meeting from Argentina Lipid Society, September 28

Embrace the EAS Joint Session on September 28, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Argentina Society of Lipids! ????

Join us for a captivating session, skillfully coordinated by Dr Pablo Corral and Dr Laura Schreier. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store:

????️ 11.45-12.15: “Lipid Guidelines: Facts and Challenges” presented by the esteemed Prof. Alberico Catapano
???? 12.15-12.45: Explore the future of “Lp(a)”, also led by Prof. Alberico Catapano.

Go to the Sociedad Argentina de Lipidos website

EAS Collaborations:

Joint session at 78th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology, September 28-30

The 78th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology, which takes place between the 28th and 30th of September, at the FIERGS Events Center, will bring together more than eight thousand people, including speakers and congressmen. The event, one of the most important in the specialty, will make Brazil the global center of world cardiology with the presence of physicians and scientists from different countries. The most important clinical studies and scientific research will be presented at the Congress, as well as new guidelines that will guide the main treatments for cardiovascular diseases.

As representatives of EAS, we are proud to be part of this exciting journey. Register now to attend the EAS-BASC joint sessions (conducted in English) in Brazil, featuring EAS Speaker: Professor Kausik Ray, EAS President, and Professor Alberto Zambon, EAS National Society Coordinator.

Go to the Brazil Society of Cardiology Congress website

EAS Society:

Important Notice: Change of Office Address

From the beginning of October 2023 we will be operating from a new office.

Our new address is as follows:

European Atherosclerosis Society

Första Långgatan 4A

413 03 Gothenburg


Please update your records with our new address to ensure seamless communication and delivery of any future correspondence.

Please note that all other contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses, remain unchanged. You can still reach us at +46 (0) 31 760 24 27 and office@eas-society.org for any inquiries, requests, or assistance you may require.

Your sincerely,

The EAS Office team