EAS Newsletter October 24, 2023

EAS Education:

Stay at the forefront: ensure your Certificate of Excellence in Lipidology – 2023 Update!

The Certificate of Excellence in Lipidology – 2023 Update is your golden ticket to becoming a true expert in the realm of lipids and their implications for well-being. This course has piqued the interest of numerous professionals, and the opportunity is still available for you to seize.

This course is tailor-made for doctors specializing in internal medicine, heart health, diabetes, hormones, and general medical practice. Additionally, nurses working in clinics focused on lipids, heart disease prevention, diabetes, and the management of patients with heart and metabolic issues will find this course invaluable. Even for scientists dedicated to the study of heart health and individuals employed in pharmaceutical and medical companies, this course offers substantial benefits.

For full individual EAS members, an exclusive offer with a discount awaits to facilitate your enrollment in this transformative course. Your participation is not only an investment in your own growth but also a crucial step forward in your professional journey.

Find out more about the Certificate of Excellence in Lipidology – 2023 Update

EAS Governance:

Submit your abstract for the EAS Congress 2024 and apply for Young Investigator Fellowships and Travel Grants

Numerous individuals express enthusiasm for this opportunity as they are keen to engage in the exchange of fresh research and ideas with scientists from all around the globe. It’s a unique occasion to participate in the distinctive 92nd EAS Congress.

Additionally, please be sure to explore the opportunities regarding Young Investigator Fellowships and Travel Grants. More details are available below.

The deadline for submitting is December 5, 2023.

Submit your abstract

Grants and fellowships related to the EAS Congress

EAS Education:

Discover FH through the combined knowledge of researchers, healthcare experts, and patients

The FH Webinar series, “Let’s manage FH together” provided an exceptional platform for patients, researchers, and healthcare professionals to share their viewpoints. This event stands as a remarkable accomplishment and is available for on-demand access through EAS Academy.

Kindly, take the time to listen to these lectures and share them within your networks.

Genetics in HeFH and HoFH: the latest insights

Screening: experience from cascade screening, universal screening and latest insights on screening on the EU level

Importance of Measuring Lp(a) in patients with HeFH & HoFH

Access to Treatment for HeFH and HoFH

Challenges for Children with FH

EAS Governance:

Thank you for your submissions. Ongoing review process for Anitschkow Prize nominations

We are pleased to inform you that the review process for the Anitschkow Prize nominations is currently underway. Our panel of experts is carefully evaluating each submission to ensure a fair and thorough assessment of the remarkable contributions in the field of lipidology.

We appreciate the patience and understanding of all those involved in this essential process. The quality and significance of the nominations received are truly inspiring. We look forward to announcing the well-deserved recipient of the Anitschkow Prize 2024, thanks to your valuable nominations.

EAS Collaborations:

The 7th Turkish-Greek Meeting has successfully concluded

The 7th Turkish – Greek Meeting “Update in Clinical Lipidology” was organized in Istanbul on October 14, 2023 with the collaboration of the European Atherosclerosis Society, Turkish Society of Cardiology working group on prevention and atherosclerosis, Turkish Atherosclerosis Society and Hellenic Atherosclerosis Society.

The meeting welcomed 120 participants and provided excellent opportunities for learning and networking. 15 speakers from different countries shared their experiences and knowledge with the participants with ample time for interaction and discussion.

The meeting had a wide scope covering all steps of cardiovascular protection, from primordial prevention and primary prevention approaches to patients with secondary prevention including new lipid lowering drugs.

This joint meeting, which has become a tradition, continues to strengthen the scientific communication and cooperation of colleagues between the countries every year.