ASCVD and Lp(a) assessment – a survey among clinicians

March-April 2024

LCN Lp(a) survey 2024 (Novartis support) (#89)

ASCVD and Lp(a) assessment

A survey among the EAS Lipid Clinics Network.

We invite members of the EAS Lipid Clinic Network to complete this survey, and to disseminate it among their clinical colleagues.

We are interested in knowing the views of clinicians working in lipid clinics about evaluation of Lp(a), how it is managed and its relevance to your practice today, and whether or how you see that changing in the future.

Your answers will help us understand the challenges and barriers to evaluation of Lp(a) in clinical practice. 

The survey will take no more than 6 minutes. Please submit your response by April 12, 2024.

Thank you.


Background information


About you and your clinical practice environment.

Part-1: Status-quo of Lp(a) testing

About how Lp(a) is currently measured in your clinical setting.

Part 2: Utility of Lp(a) testing

How you view the value of evaluating Lp(a) in your current environment.

Part-3: Outlook on Lp(a) testing

How you see evaluation of Lp(a) in your clinical environment changing in the future.