Prof Philippe Moulin

Professor Philippe Moulin, 60 years old, is head of department of endocrinology since 2003 and professor of human nutrition since 1995 at Faculté Lyon Est, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University France.
He is in charge of an INSERM team in the INSERM research Unit CARMEN U1060, a position he has held for the last 15 years. He is past president of the French Society of Atherosclerosis (NSFA) 2015-2017, and he organized the EAS Congress in Lyon, in 2013.

Following a post doc in Alan Tall Laboratory 1989-1991 devoted to CETP, he moved into the field of the regulation of triglyceride metabolism contributing to the identification of the first mutations of Apo AV,1 of auto antibodies against LPL2  and GPIHBP1.3 He proposed, thanks to a European collaboration, a phenotypic score to help in the diagnosis of Familial vs Multifactorial Chylomicronemia Syndrome.4
He contributed to set up the French familial hypercholesterolemia network which leads to the discovery of PCSK9.5 His team currently conduct research in the field of hypolipidemias.6 In addition to his work related to dyslipidemias, he dealt with cardiovascular complications assessment7  and new vascular imaging methods in type 2 diabetes.8


  1. Marcais C., Verges B., Charriere S., Pruneta V., Merlin M.,Billon S., Perrot L., Drai J., Sassolas A.,Pennacchio LA.., Fruchar-Najib JC. Durlach V., Moulin P., Apo A5 Q139 X truncation predisposes to late-onset hyperchylomicronemia due to lipoprotein lipase impairment. J Clin Invest 2005; 115: 2862-2869.
  2. V Pruneta-Deloche., C Marçais., L Perrot., A Sassolas., M Lagarde., B Estour., Moulin P Combination of circulating anti LPL antibody and heterozygous S172fsX179 mutation of LPL gene leading to chronic hyperchylomicronemia J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90:3995-8.
  3. Beigneux AP, Miyashita K, Ploug M, Blom DJ, Ai M, Linton MF, Khovidhunkit W, Dufour R, Garg A, McMahon MA, Pullinger CR, Sandoval NP, Hu X, Allan CM, Larsson M, Machida T, Murakami M, Reue K, Tontonoz P, Goldberg IJ, Moulin P, Charrière S, Fong LG, Nakajima K, Young SG. Autoantibodies against GPIHBP1 as a Cause of Hypertriglyceridemia. N Engl J Med. 2017 Apr 5. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1611930.
  4. Moulin P, Dufour R, Averna M, Arca M, Cefalù AB, Noto D, D’Erasmo L, DiCostanzo A, Marçais C, Alvarez-Sala Walther LA, Banach M, Borén J, Cramb R,Gouni-Berthold I, Hughes E, Johnson C, Pintó X, Reiner Ž, van Lennep JR, Soran H,Stefanutti C, Stroes E, Bruckert E. Identification and diagnosis of patients with familial chylomicronaemia syndrome (FCS): Expert panel recommendations and proposal of an “FCS score”. Atherosclerosis. 2018 Jun 18;275:265-272.
  5. Abifadel M., Varret M., Rabès JP., Allard D., Ouguerram K., Devillers M., Cruaud C., Benjannet S., Wickham L., Erlich D., Derré A., Villéger L., Farnier M., Beucler I., Bruckert E, Chambaz J., Chanu B., Lecerf J-M., Luc G., Moulin P., Weissenbach J., Prat A., Krempf M. , Junien C.,. Seidah N G., Boileau C. Mutations in the PCSK9 gene at 1p32 as a cause of autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia. Nat Genet. 2003; 34:154-6.
  6. Di Filippo M, Moulin P, Roy P, Samson-Bouma ME, Collardeau-Frachon S, Chebel-Dumont S, Peretti N, Dumortier J, Zoulin F, Fontanges T, Parini R, Rigoldi R, Furlan F, Mancini G, Bonnefont-Rousselot D, Bruckert E, Schmitz J, Scoazc JY, Charrière S, Villar Fimbel S, Ottrand F, Dubern B, Doummar D, Joly F, Liard-Meillon ME, Lachaux A, Sassolas A Hepatic steatosis and fibrosis despite metabolic differences in congenital hypocholesterolemia due to homozygous MTTP and APOB mutations Journal of Hetaptology 2014 J Hepatol. 2014: 61(4):891-902.
  7. Ernande L, Audureau E, Jellis CL, Bergerot C, Henegar C, Sawaki D, Czibik G,Volpi C, Canoui-Poitrine F, Thibault H, Ternacle J, Moulin P, Marwick TH, Derumeaux G. Clinical Implications of Echocardiographic Phenotypes of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017; 70:1704-1716.
  8. Skilton MR, Sérusclat A, Sethu AH, Brun S, Bernard S, Balkau B, Moulin P, Bonnet F. Noninvasive measurement of carotid extra-media thickness: associations with cardiovascular risk factors and intima-media thickness. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2009; 2:176-82.

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