Professor Bennett trained in Cardiology in Birmingham and Cambridge, and currently holds the British Heart Foundation Chair of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University of Cambridge, with Honorary Consultant Cardiologist positions at Addenbrooke’s and Papworth Hospitals. Professor Bennett directs the BHF Cambridge Centre for Research Excellence and Cambridge Cardiovascular Interdisciplinary Research Centre, and the Cambridge PhD programme in Cardiovascular Research. His major research interest is the vascular biology of atherosclerosis, the disease that causes heart attacks and strokes, and his clinical research programme examines the ability of invasive and non-invasive coronary artery imaging to identify vulnerable plaques, focussing particularly on VH-IVUS and CT. His research combines clinical medicine, imaging and engineering to predict patient events, in time for prevention. He is the academic lead for the Cardiology Specialist Advisory Committee, and as Head of the Section of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine in Cambridge, he directs academic cardiology training in Cambridge, to mentor and develop the next generation of clinical scientists.


Aging, dementia and stroke - Discussion and Q&AAging and dementia and stroke90th EAS Congress 2022Cell senescence in atherosclerosis and vascular ageingAging and dementia and stroke90th EAS Congress 2022