Young Investigator Fellowships & Travel Grants

Young Investigator Fellowships

EAS Congress programme provides younger, upcoming researchers a prestigious platform from which to launch or progress their international careers. A strong contingent of senior scientists is engaged to interact with and mentor the next generation, in the popular and well attended Science at a Glance sessions. This interaction will be a source of great inspiration and encouragement, and will ultimately strengthen research in the field.

As a measure of the Society’s commitment to encourage the leading lights of the future, EAS offers Young Investigator Fellowships to selected abstract and oral communication presenters aged 35 or under, on a competitive basis.

All applicants must fulfill the requirements and restrictions of travel. 
Young Investigator Fellowships for EAS Congress include:

  • Complimentary Congress registration
  • Complimentary 1-year EAS membership subscription
  • A grant of 400 € towards travel & accommodation at the EAS Congress

Application procedures for EAS Congress

  • Application for Young Investigator Fellowship is a member benefit. To be eligible to apply for a grant, please make sure your individual membership is up to date.
  • Applicants must review and understand all of the requirements and restrictions for travel (see bottom of page)
  • Applicants MUST complete an application form through the congress abstract system
  • Applicants MUST have submitted an abstract for presentation at EAS Congress
  • Applicants MUST be 35 or under on May 31, the year of application
  • The award of the Fellowships is at the discretion of the organisers
  • Notifications will be sent out by February the year of the congress

If you have reviewed and understand all of the requirements and wish to proceed with an application, please do so by completing the application when submitting your abstract.

Abstract submission will open in October for the EAS Congress in Glasgow, UK, May 4-7 2025.

Travel Grants to EAS Congress

These grants are awarded to selected presenters of poster or oral communications who live and work in countries where funding for international meetings is difficult to obtain.

All applicants must fulfill the requirements and restrictions of travel. 
The Grants are awarded at the discretion of the organisers.

The grants cover:

  • Complimentary Congress registration
  • Complimentary 1-year EAS Membership
  • A grant of 400 € towards travel & accommodation at the EAS Congress

Application procedures for EAS Congress

  • Application for travel grant is a member benefit. To be eligible to apply for a travel grant, please make sure your individual membership is up to date.
  • Applicants must review and understand all of the requirements and restrictions for travel
  • Applicants MUST complete the application form through the congress abstract system
  • Applicants MUST have submitted an abstract for presentation at EAS Congress
  • The award of Travel Grants is at the discretion of the organisers
  • Notifications will be sent out by February the year of the congress

If you have reviewed and understand all of the requirements and wish to proceed with an application, please do so by completing the application when submitting your abstract.

Abstract submission will open in October for the EAS Congress in Glasgow, UK, May 4-7 2025.

EAS Travel Grant & Young Investigator Fellows – Eligibility Guidelines

We encourage all applicants to be aware of restrictions for travel for their country and the EAS2025 congress host country – UK. All travelers from the EU must carry a passport; an identity card is not sufficient.

If you have reviewed and understand all of the requirements and wish to proceed with an application, please do so by completing the application when submitting your abstract.
We look forward to receiving your applications and look forward to seeing you in person in Glasgow, UK in May 4-7, 2025.