Find below some of the most frequent questions about the EAS.

If it doesn’t provide the answer you need, please don’t hesitate to contact us: Contact us – EAS (eas-society.org)

The EAS Office team is available during office hours Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00 CET, excluding public holidays.


If you’d like to become an EAS member, please go to the Membership section: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org) and click the button to apply for the membership that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

The Society is based on individual membership and embraces scientists, physicians, laboratory workers, nurses, dieticians, and students from, or residing in, Europe (as defined by the World Health Organisation) or neighbouring countries, who are engaged in activities aligned with the EAS mission.

All applicants, both new and existing individual members, are required to submit two of the following documents verifying their eligibility based on the criteria outlined in our bylaws:

· CV

· Scientific article authored by the applicant

· Letter showing applicant’s status of employment or study

· Letter of recommendation from an existing EAS individual member

· Congress abstract or similar presented by the applicant

We offer 3 different types of EAS subscription: Full Individual, Newsletter or Affiliated National Society. Each type of subscription comes with certain benefits. If you want to know the differences between different types of EAS subscription, look at this table: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org)

Each type of subscription comes with certain benefits. If you want to know the differences between different types of EAS subscription, look at this table: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org)

Yes, all people who are able to confirm their interest in the atherosclerosis field are welcome to join the EAS community and all it has to offer.

All applicants, both new and existing individual members, are required to submit two of the following documents verifying their eligibility based on the criteria outlined in our bylaws:

· CV

· Scientific article authored by the applicant

· Letter showing applicant’s status of employment or study

· Letter of recommendation from an existing EAS individual member

· Congress abstract or similar presented by the applicant

Yes, sure. You can join the EAS and benefit from your preferential rate related to Student or <36 yo Full Individual EAS subscription.

All applicants, both new and existing individual members, are required to submit two of the following documents verifying their eligibility based on the criteria outlined in our bylaws:

· CV

· Scientific article authored by the applicant

· Letter showing applicant’s status of employment or study

· Letter of recommendation from an existing EAS individual member

· Congress abstract or similar presented by the applicant

Learn more here: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org)

You can renew your subscription whenever you want to. Approximately 1 month before your current subscription period is set to expire, we will send you renewal reminder email messages.

If you want to renew or upgrade your EAS subscription, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your EAS account. 
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner.
  • This will take you to the Account -> EAS membership section.
  • Click on a button Edit member profile & Renew membership 
  • You can renew or upgrade your subscription at your convenience.

Please note that if you haven’t been verified yet, you will be requested to submit two documents confirming your interest in the field.

EAS is a non-profit organization. However, there are costs associated with producing and maintaining these resources. Although it would be wonderful if all resources could be provided free of charge it is necessary to cover these expenses. EAS has designed subscription packages that offer value for the money and often the individual benefits included in these packages tend to be more expensive when purchased separately outside of subscription. To ensure that accessing resources remains affordable preferential rates on subscription are offered several discounts.

EAS Full Individual subscription costs €60 (or €30 for Student or <36 yo) per year. This is paid individually. All the benefits we provide you with this type of subscription you can find here: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org) 

EAS Affiliated National Society subscription’s cost is based on World Bank Group country classifications by income to give a fair National Society subscription fee for each country.

World Bank classification

Annual fee per member

High income

5 €

Upper middle income

3 €

Lower middle income

2 €

Low income

1 €

You can check the current status of your country by following the link below:

World Bank Group country classifications by income

National Societies are requested to pay for all their Society members, then we provide both benefits for a society and its members. You will find here what exactly: EAS Membership for National Societies – EAS (eas-society.org)

EAS Newsletter subscription is a free, annual, limited-access membership that allows you to explore some of the resources and benefits of our organization without committing to a Full Individual EAS subscription.

When your EAS subscription expires, you’ll no longer have access to the resources and benefits associated with it. At that point, you can decide whether to renew or upgrade your subscription. If not, your expiring subscription will automatically be transformed into EAS Newsletter subscription. 

If you want to renew or upgrade your EAS subscription, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your EAS account. 
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner.
  • This will take you to the Account -> EAS membership section.
  • Click on a button Edit member profile & Renew membership 
  • You can renew or upgrade your subscription at your convenience.

Please note that if you haven’t been verified yet, you will be also requested to submit two documents confirming your interest in the field.

If you want to renew or upgrade your EAS subscription, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your EAS account. 
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner.
  • This will take you to the Account -> EAS membership section.
  • Click on a button Edit member profile & Renew membership 
  • You can renew or upgrade your subscription at your convenience.

Please note that if you haven’t been verified yet, you will be requested to submit two documents confirming your interest in the field.

We kindly request all applicants, including both new and existing individual members, to submit two of the following documents verifying their eligibility based on the criteria outlined in our bylaws:

  • CV
  • Scientific article authored by the applicant
  • Letter showing the applicant’s status of employment or study
  • Letter of recommendation from an existing EAS individual member
  • Congress abstract or a similar document presented by the applicant

To facilitate the submission process, please follow the steps below for adding documents:

  • Log in to your EAS account
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner
  • This will take you to Account -> EAS membership section.
  • Click on a button Edit member profile & Renew membership
  • Upload the required documents following the provided guidelines.

All EAS subscriptions follow a 12-month rolling basis and are valid for 12 months after your application and payment are accepted. You can check your expiration date and extend your subscription in the Account section. 

To do so, follow these steps: 

  • Log in to your EAS account. 
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner. 
  • This will take you to your Account -> EAS membership section.
  • There you can review your subscription status and related information

Account details

To update the email address associated with your EAS account, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your EAS account. 
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner. 
  • This will take you to the Account -> EAS membership section. 
  • Locate the email address field and update it with your new email.

By following these steps, you can easily ensure that your account reflects the correct and updated email address. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.

If you want to check if your subscription is valid, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your EAS account. 
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner. 
  • This will take you to your Account -> EAS membership section. 
  • There you can review your subscription status and related information

Your subscription details can be found in the Account section on the EAS website. To get there, you need to: 

  • Log in to your EAS account. 
  • Click on your profile picture located in the upper-right corner of the website. 
  • From the dropdown menu, select Account -> EAS membership section 
  • There you can access information about your subscription status. 

To obtain an EAS Subscription Certificate that indicates your subscription status (e.g., EAS Affiliated National Society, Full Individual, etc.), please email your request to member@eas-society.org. Our team will promptly assist you in obtaining the certificate, which can serve as official documentation of your subscription status.


Prices for subscription fees are quoted in euro (€) and are free of VAT for individuals. Payment in any other currency is not accepted.

There are two convenient payment options:

Credit or debit card:
The most efficient method is to pay using a credit or debit card.

Bank transfer:
We also accept payment by bank transfer. You can initiate the bank transfer directly from the provided invoice.

If you have any further questions or require assistance, please feel free to contact the EAS Member at member@eas-society.org.

If you would like to renew your subscription, you can set this up by following these steps: 

  • Log in to your EAS account.
  • Click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner.
  • From the dropdown menu, select Account -> EAS membership section.  
  • In this section, you will find a button Edit member profile & Renew membership 

After making the payment, you will automatically receive a receipt/invoice for the transaction. Please note that any modifications to the invoice won’t be possible after the payment is completed. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure the accuracy of your billing details provided in your profile and review the terms of the invoice before finalizing the transaction.

No, it’s not possible to change your billing details on an invoice once it has been paid. Invoices serve as a legal record of a transaction and must accurately reflect the terms and conditions agreed upon at the time of payment.  

If you need to make changes to the details on an invoice, it’s advisable to do so before making the payment. However, if there was an error or discrepancy in the invoice, you may contact the invoicing party to discuss potential corrections or adjustments, but these will be subject to their policies and discretion. It’s important to ensure the accuracy of your billing details before initiating the payment process. 

If you are looking to pay a subscription on behalf of a doctor, we recommend reaching out to our office directly. Please contact our team: member@eas-society.org for assistance and further instructions. We’ll be happy to guide you through the process and ensure a smooth subscription payment.

Special rates are available if you are a student or under 36 years of age. Please check this table to get more information: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org)


You can find the list of your benefits on the EAS subscription webpage: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org)

Each type of subscription comes with specific benefits, and an EAS Full Individual subscription offers a multitude of them. Read more here: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org)

All the benefits we provide you with this type of subscription you can find here: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org).

With EAS Affiliated National Society subscription, your members each:

  • Receive complimentary online access to Atherosclerosis Journal.
  • Can access selected educational content on the EAS Academy, the Society’s e-learning platform, EAS Academy Regular content.
  • Become eligible to apply to attend the EAS educational activities, such as Advanced Courses.
  • Receive EAS newsletters and featured commentaries on topical issues.
  • Reduced membership subscription should they choose to become an Individual EAS member.

To be eligible to register to attend Congress with a member-rate fee, you must have had a paid individual membership subscription in the year preceding the Congress. For EAS 2024 Lyon, you must have paid your EAS Full Individual membership subscription for 2023 with payment completed before the end of 2023.

To be eligible to vote in EAS Elections, you must have had a paid individual membership subscription in the year preceding the elections.

EAS Full Individual subscription includes a complimentary subscription to the Atherosclerosis Journal – so you can access full articles from this leading publication.

Having an EAS Full Individual subscription, you can easily obtain The Clinician’s Handbook, which is available as a PDF, at no extra cost. This invaluable resource provides essential information and insights for clinicians in the field, making it a valuable tool for your professional development. First, log in to your EAS account, and on the corresponding webpage, you will find the password needed to open the file.

National Societies

You can find the list of all EAS National Societies, along with their contact information, on the EAS website by visiting the following link: EAS National Society Contact List. This resource should provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding EAS National Societies.

EAS Affiliated National Society subscription’s cost is based on World Bank Group country classifications by income to give a fair National Society subscription fee for each country.

Depending on your country’s category in the World Bank classification, you are requested to pay your subscription as follows. This is paid by the National Society.

World Bank classification

Annual fee per member

High income

5 €

Upper middle income

3 €

Lower middle income

2 €

Low income

1 €

You can check the current status of your country by following the link below:

World Bank Group country classifications by income

We provide both benefits for your society and its members. You will find here what exactly: EAS Membership for National Societies – EAS (eas-society.org)


EAS Academy is the Society’s resource of online lectures, presentations and talks, recorded at our congress, courses and webinars. Search among hundreds of talks from leading speakers in the field. EAS members have access to the whole EAS Academy archive.

  • EAS Full Individual members: are the sole category of members who enjoy full access to premium and free content, including free online courses. This means they have the exclusive privilege of accessing all resources, both paid premium materials and free content, provided by the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). This comprehensive access is one of the primary benefits of being an EAS Full Individual member. 
  • EAS Newsletter and Affiliated National Society members: have access to limited content, as they are restricted to open & free content only. While they can explore certain resources made available for free by EAS, their access is more restricted compared to EAS Full Individual EAS members, who enjoy the broadest range of content offerings

You can access information about the EAS Webinar program and upcoming events by visiting the provided link: Webinar programme – EAS (eas-society.org). The EAS Webinar program and details about forthcoming events are typically announced on the EAS website, newsletter and on social media channels.

If you’re interested in viewing past webinars, you can find them available on-demand on the EAS Academy: EAS Academy – EAS (eas-society.org). This repository of previous webinars allows you to access and review webinars you may have missed or wish to revisit. It’s a convenient way to access valuable educational content at your own pace and schedule.

The recordings from previous EAS Congresses are exclusively available for EAS Full Individual subscribers. These recordings are a valuable resource and a benefit of full membership, offering access to past sessions and presentations. If you are not a full subscriber, consider joining to take advantage of this and other subscriber-exclusive content.

Young Investigator Fellowships & Travel Grants

The grants provided by EAS cover the following: 

  • Complimentary Congress registration. 
  • Complimentary 1-year EAS membership subscription. 
  • A grant of 400 € towards travel and accommodation expenses for the EAS 2024 Congress

To apply for the Travel Grants for the EAS Congress 2024, applicants must adhere to the following procedures: 

  • Application for travel grant is a member benefit. To be eligible to apply for a travel grant, please make sure your individual membership is up to date. 
  • Applicants must review and understand all of the requirements and restrictions for travel 
  • Applicants MUST complete the application form through the congress abstract system 
  • Applicants MUST have submitted an abstract for presentation at EAS Congress 2024
  • The award of Travel Grants is at the discretion of the organisers 
  • Notifications will be sent out by February, 2024 

Young Investigator Fellowships for EAS Congress 2024 include: 

  • Complimentary Congress registration, EAS Congress 2024 
  • Complimentary 1-year EAS membership subscription 
  • A grant of 400 € towards travel & accommodation at the EAS 2024 Congress

To apply for the Young Investigator Fellowships for the EAS Congress 2024, applicants must adhere to the following procedures:  

  • Applicants must review and understand all of the requirements and restrictions for travel 
  • Applicants MUST complete an application form through the congress abstract system 
  • Applicants MUST have submitted an abstract for presentation at EAS Congress 2024 
  • Applicants MUST be 35 or under on May 31, 2024 
  • The award of the Fellowships is at the discretion of the organisers 
  • Notifications will be sent out by February, 2024 

Grant and fellowship guidelines and requirements may change over time. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding age limits or eligibility criteria for EAS grants and fellowships, we recommend visiting the official EAS website or contacting our administrative team directly: Young Investigator Fellowships & Travel Grants – EAS (eas-society.org)

Membership requirements may vary for different grants and fellowships. You may not be obligated to be a member at the time of applying, but it’s advisable to check the specific guidelines and requirements of the grant or fellowship you are interested in to determine whether membership is required before, during, or after the application process. 

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding age limits or eligibility criteria for EAS grants and fellowships, we recommend visiting the official EAS website or contacting our administrative team directly: Young Investigator Fellowships & Travel Grants – EAS (eas-society.org)

All applicants must fulfill the requirements and restrictions of travel. Kindly be advised that EAS is only able to process payments to personal accounts in countries approved by Handelsbanken. You can refer to the list of accepted countries here:

to be added

Young Investigator Awards for outstanding publications

The call for nominations will open on December 14, 2023. This is the start date for submitting your nominations.

Recipients will receive a prize of €2000 and the award ceremony will take place at the Opening Ceremony of the EAS Congress 2024, Lyon, France.

  • The nominated article should have been published January 01 – December 31, 2023, and be in English 
  • The Nominee should be the First Author of the paper that is nominated 
  • One Nominee per paper 
  • The person nominated must be 40 years or younger on December 31, 2023 (ID evidence compulsory with nomination). EAS membership not required for the Nominee 
  • The nomination should be made by an active *EAS Individual member & EAS Student member (i.e. who has paid their annual membership subscription for year 2023) 
  • You may nominate yourself
  • Nominations to be made by completing the nomination form (open to EAS Individual members & EAS Student members only)* 
  • The nominations will be reviewed by the Society’s Award Committee 
  • The selection of the Award recipients is at the discretion of the Society’s Executive Committee 
  • Announcement of the results is estimated to the end of March 2024 

Yes, to be eligible to nominate candidates for EAS Awards, you must obtain an EAS Full Individual subscription. 

Here you can read more about EAS subscription: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org)

Young Fellows Programme

The Young Fellows of EAS is a selected group of scientists working in basic and/or clinical cardiovascular research who are highly committed to pursue a career in academic science. The mission of the Young Fellows of EAS is to offer a multilayered support for early-career researchers that includes educational programmes, career-orientated webinars and networking opportunities.

The programme takes place over two year and will take the form of both online and face-to-face activities.


  • a dedicated Young Fellows of EAS session at the annual EAS Congress
  • face-to-face meetings with science-related workshops and networking events
  • webinars focusing on translation research, publication strategies, grantsmanship skills and career development

All accepted candidates are required to hold an active EAS Full Individual subscription for the duration of the programme.

We open a new class for Young Fellows every other year. This is your chance to join Class 2025-2026, with the first group meeting scheduled for December 2024.

The call for applications is open from February 6 to February 24, 2024.

Call for applications for the Young Fellows Programme Class 2025-2026 – EAS (eas-society.org)

To be eligible for the EAS Young Fellows programme, applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Early in their career
  • Age under 40
  • Demonstrated progress in basic or clinical research, including at least one publication
  • A strong commitment to pursuing a career in the field of atherosclerosis and related diseases

EAS Congress

EAS hosts its congresses on an annual basis, and these events are rotated among different European cities each year. This rotation ensures that our members have the opportunity to attend the meetings conveniently within their own regions. The upcoming EAS Congresses are scheduled as follows: 

92nd EAS Congress, EAS 2024, Lyon, France, May 26-29, 2024

93rd EAS Congress, EAS 2025, Glasgow, UK, May 4-7, 2025

94th EAS Congress, EAS 2026, Athens, Greece, May 24-27, 2026

The recordings from previous EAS Congresses are exclusively available for full individual subscribers. These recordings are a valuable resource and a benefit of EAS Full Individual subscription, offering access to past sessions and presentations. You can find them on EAS Academy: EAS Academy – EAS (eas-society.org) 

If you are not an EAS Full Individual subscriber, consider joining to take advantage of this and other subscriber-exclusive content.

More about EAS subscription: Membership – EAS (eas-society.org)

I want to obtain my Certificate of Attendance, how to do that?

To receive your Certificate of Attendance, you need to apply for the EAS Congress CME/CPD accreditation. Please note that, in order to claim CME accreditation and the certificate, you are required to complete a short survey. 

For detailed information on the accreditation process and how to access your certificate, please visit the following link: https://eas-congress.com/2023/programme/cme-cpd-accreditation/

Where can I find the abstracts from EAS Congress 2023?

The Congress abstracts for EAS Congress 2023 were published in a Supplement to Atherosclerosis Journal, August 2023, Volume 379, Supplement 1, titled “EAS Abstracts 2023”. You can access them at the following links:

Last updated on 31 May 2024