Giorgio Sesti is Full Professor of Internal Medicine, and Head of the Division of Internal Medicine at Sapienza University of Rome. Dr. Sesti received his medical degree with honours from the University of Rome La Sapienza Medical School and his Endocrinology Specialty Degree from the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Dr. Sesti has authored or co-authored more than 330 publications in peer-reviewed journals with a cumulative impact factor of 2466 and a publication record of 23577 citations and a Hirsch (h) factor of 75. His research focus is in the area of metabolic diseases and related complications. He was awarded the Schering Award from Italian Endocrine Society for investigator under 40 years in 1999, the SID-Alcmeone Award, the Italian Diabetes Society’s highest scientific award for Investigator under 45 years which recognizes outstanding scientific achievement in the field of diabetes in 2002, the SID-Celso Medal for Scientific Achievement Award, the Italian Diabetes Society’s highest scientific award for Investigator who has made significant, long-term contributions to diabetes research, education and awareness in 2010.
Dr Sesti has served the Italian Diabetes Society as President from 2016 to 2018, and is currently the President of the Italian Society of Internal Medicine.


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