Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, MD, PhD, DMSc is Chief Physician at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, and Associate Research Professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen. Ruth Frikke-Schmidt joined the Scandinavian Society for Atherosclerosis Research as a young MD, and has led the Society from 2006 to 2011. She has served as Faculty member in the European Atherosclerosis Society Congresses since 2010. She was invited speaker at the 83rd EAS congress in Glasgow, at the 17th International Symposium on Atherosclerosis congress in Amsterdam, and is invited to talk at the Gordon Research Conference on Lipoprotein Metabolism in New Hampshire, USA June 2016, and at Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association, New Orleans, USA November 2016, with talks focusing on lipoprotein metabolism, diabetes, and the interrelationship between lipids, atherosclerosis, and dementia. In 2010 she was granted the prestigious Sapere Aude Research Leader Grant from the Danish Medical Research Council of 900,000 Euros, with the aim to focus on the genetic component of common multifactorial diseases as ischemic heart disease, stroke and dementia. Presently she and her students focus on the interplay between atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism and dementia, and recently they identified the first lipid-related plasma biomarker robustly associated with future risk of dementia in the general population, as well as novel associations between lipid-related genes and dementia. Such knowledge will have the potential to form the basis for more personalized and targeted medications and preventive interventions for dementia – a disease highly correlated with atherosclerosis, but with no currently effective treatment. |